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Work with the stars!<\/h1>\n

Take coffee with Cookie Monster, hold meetings with Snoopy, design T-shirts for AC\/DC, negotiate rights with Warner Bros. or prepare promotional packs for \u201creal\u201d stars such as influencers, YouTubers and comic-book artists: this is all part of our day-to-day life here at UNITED LABELS.
We\u2019ve been a merchandise partner for international brands since 1991 and distribute an ever-expanding range of product worlds for bricks-and-mortar stores and e-commerce. We\u2019ve got over 30 staff members working for us in Key Accounts, Design, Order and Purchase Management, IT and Corporate Communications.<\/p>\n

These are all exciting areas of work with a lot of interesting tasks to perform, which is why we need you. As well as being up for mixing with our stars, you should also be particularly up for rubbing shoulders with our young team here in M\u00fcnster. Prima donnas? None here, thank you very much. We all get stuck in together to drive forward our brands and products on behalf of our partners. We\u2019re looking forward to hearing from you.<\/p>\n

P.S. If you can\u2019t find a suitable vacancy here, you\u2019re welcome to send a speculative application to us at bewerbung@unitedlabels.com<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n

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Come and join UNITED LABELS<\/h2>\n